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A member registered Mar 12, 2021

Recent community posts

FABRIK seems to work well, but with TWO BONE IK the bones do not rotate correctly, and it would be nice if a limit could be set in LookAt :)
Twisted IK 2 community · Created a new topic V2.20

Hi I bought and downloaded a plugin and installed it but how to update it to 2.2.0 v

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I sent a project,on my PC OS Windows 10
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I don't understand, is it fixable?

Cool! thank
one more video

Взаимодействие с другими людьми

Да, длина установлена, а затем я устанавливаю дочернюю кость для left_leg. Кости повернуты неправильно

Взаимодействие с другими людьми

Hi yes I want to use the Position 3D node for the Magnet Position. And to see the code how to use it would be great. Thanks

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Can I use solvers like Position3D to determine the position of a magnet in FABRIK from code?
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hello problem with two bone, bones are shaking, tell me how to set it up correctly. I want to buy a plugin, but I don't know how to set it up. Thank you